Meyer David Urban
JUNE 27, 2018 - OCT. 15, 2018
Meyer D. Urban - Son of Marcus and Nellie Urban of Columbus, NE
Brother to Maddyn Marie and Lennon Jane
Meyer was the sweetest little boy with so many stories to tell anyone that would hold him. He was so smiley and was our first born, so everything he did was extra cute and exciting. He could make a new little noise and we would gush over it all day. Our hearts were so in love with our chunky little 16 week old.
On October 15th, National SIDS awareness day, I remember taking extra little glances at Meyer while getting him ready for the day. I was thinking wow you are growing so fast! I even weighed him and remember looking at him and thinking how lucky I was to be his mommy. I worked in Norfolk so daddy dropped him off at daycare. Around 3:29 pm I remember looking at the clock thinking something was off. Then, I got a phone call at 4:00 pm that forever changed our lives.

My husband said Linda, our daycare provider/aunt, found Meyer not breathing. I immediately started screaming and knew in my heart my worse fear had come true. It was the longest drive from Norfolk to Columbus in my life, begging God that everything would be ok. I walked into the hospital and I saw my husband look at me and just shake his head while bursting into tears. I dropped to the floor in pain, I didn’t know my heart could physically hurt from the emotional pain one could feel. I remember holding my sweet boy and thinking, just wake up, you look so perfect, how could you be gone? Once a silly chunky and energetic little boy and now silent in my arms. So many questions race to your mind, why us? Why him? He’s so little, its just not fair!
We were in complete shock on the way home from the hospital. Then, I received a Facebook message from the Briggs and Barrett Project, letting us know how sorry they were to hear about our loss, but we aren’t alone in this journey. They helped us so much, from not only the support side of it, but also in preparation on what the week could bring. To this day I thank God for having the project reach out right away. It not only helped prepare us, but also guide us along this unimaginable journey. Knowing how much their support helped me, made me realize how important it was to have a community of people around you that can be there for you and know exactly how you feel. I knew I wanted to get involved, and that is why I helped create Meyer’s SIDS Retreat- To help form a community of women to support each other on this grief journey that no one wants to be on.
I see Meyer everyday through my two little angels here on earth that he sent us from heaven. I feel blessed to be his mommy and the retreat is a way to honor him and bring all of our sweet angels in heaven together to celebrate their short but so very sweet little lives.