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stories, insights, and inspiration

Briggs' Legacy: A Mother's Mission for Safe Sleep Awareness

I truly believe that we all have a purpose here on earth. Never in a Million Years did I EVER think this would be my purpose and path!


Hard to believe that Briggs left my arms here on earth 6 years ago.  He was almost 3 months old and a healthy little baby boy. Then came the call I received that haunts me today, "Briggs is not breathing!".  


Briggs died unexpectedly at daycare. He died of Sudden Unexpected Infant Death associated with Prone Positioning.


After he passed, I never wanted ANYBODY to experience what our family was going through.  That is when I co-founded a non-profit from Norfolk NE named: Briggs & Barrett Project (


"Two Angels, One Mission: Securing Families' Peace of Mind"

In memory of Briggs and Barrett, our unwavering mission is to carry the torch of SIDS Awareness. Through education, empowerment, and embracing families affected by this silent tragedy, we strive to light a path towards peace of mind and hope.


Shortly after forming the nonprofit, I kept thinking…If I can creatively think of a way to educate families about Safe Sleep Awareness this

will help take the education to another level outside of the information you see on the internet or flyers you get when being discharged from the hospital with a newborn.  That is when I reached out to my amazingly talented cousin; Laura Huliska-Beith, who is a professional illustrator and shared my idea on doing a book on Safe Sleep with her friend Ann Ingalls who has written multiple books about putting my vision on paper.  Between the three of us we then Published; “WHEN BABY SLEEPS” that is now in the hands of THOUSANDS of families across the country!


‘When Baby Sleeps’ was illustrated and written in a created way to educate families on how a baby should sleep.  Throughout the easy-to-read children’s hardcover book you will find hidden messages on each page, along with pages showing different ways animals sleep, and ending with my baby Briggs and showing the SAFE WAY a human baby should sleep. 


Thousands of these books have gone home with families across the country when they are discharged with their baby from the hospital. We are beyond grateful for these hospitals, organizations, and donors for making this happen and sharing the importance of safe sleep…and allowing this mom to continue to share the story of my sweet baby Briggs.

Thank you to Owlet for putting this book into the hands of so many families as they receive their new Owlet!


In Loving Memory of Briggs Owen West 

11/7/17 – 1/18/18

Melissa West

Co-Founder of the Briggs & Barrett Project

Publisher of "When Baby Sleeps" Book

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